WAPS TV 6 – Can a local authority force you to sell your home

We're going to look at whether your local authority can force you to sell your home to pay for care costs. One of the questions I'm asked all of the time is, is my home safe, because quite often your home is the biggest asset that you're going to pass on to [...]

By |2019-04-22T13:21:08+01:00January 2nd, 2019|Later Life Planning|0 Comments

WAPS TV 5 – Wills for Unmarried Couples

Hello welcome to WAPS TV. My name is Nick Ash and today we're going to talk about Wills for unmarried couples. An interesting anomaly in the British legal system is that being married is still a huge tax advantage. If you're unmarried you cannot inherit off your partner unless you've got a [...]

By |2019-11-21T11:44:43+00:00January 2nd, 2019|Will Writing|0 Comments